Tuesday, February 22, 2011

plastic-free is the way to be!

...and I continue with simplifying my life. Yet, over the past month it seems that some parts of my life have become a little more complex, but all for the better I assure you.

I started with cleaning out cupboards, dressers, and closets, feeling good about the lack of "stuff" that was now occupying (or not occupying) my living space. I've been wearing the same 32 clothing items and have yet to feel bored with my wardrobe. Getting dressed in the morning has become such a simple practice. Everything was being reduced, and I was feeling good. Then, I opened up my fridge now turned pandora's box. 

My sweetheart and I watched a documentary called "Tapped". This was a film about the bottled water industry. I had no idea about the absolute outrageousness that this industry represents. Blew my mind, to say the least. One of the main points that stood out to me was the amount of chemicals that seep into the water from the plastic bottles, and the fact that we put those chemicals straight into our bodies. This led to the next thought of "how many foods do I consume that come wrapped in some sort of plastic container?" My sweetheart and I talked it over, and decided to make a vow to reduce our consumption of all things plastic. We implemented our no-plastic rule about 3 weeks ago. It's been a really fun challenge. We used to pop into the grocery store to pick up a few items and be out within 10 minutes. Now we can easily spend an hour. We've really become conscious of every purchase that we make. I have never been one to look on the ingredients list on the back of a food item, but now it's become a nearly religious practice.

I think living minimalistically follows the practice of eco-friendly living very naturally. Listening to the needs of your body, of your planet, learning what is really good or bad for ourselves and for the earth. My focus has really been pushing me in a new direction. I've started to develop an obsession over what can I do myself that will make the least amount of impact on my body and the planet Thoughts of homemade soaps, handmade clothes, veggies straight from the garden in the backyard, recycled/reused everything. 

I am so enthusiastic about this path and where it may lead me.

Until next time.

a more minimal me,

p.s. Here is a link to the Plastic-Free Living Guide. This is a woman who buys absolutely no kind of new plastic. My sweetheart and I have not reached this level of plastic-free living but we are certainly striving!